Spagni 2-Nozzle Gravity Bottle Filler with 4 Gallon Capacity Tank
Spagni 2-Nozzle Gravity Bottle Filler with 4 Gallon Capacity Tank
Spagni 2-Nozzle, Table Top, Stainless-Steel, Gravity Fill, Wine and Spirits Bottle Filler with Standard Connections and Adjustable Bottle Tray. Nozzles are standard 14mm unless different sizes are required. Fills bottles from 375ml to 1.5 liters. Valve Controlled Drain and Stainless-Steel Float Valve with Automatic Shut Off. Tank fills from bottom. Based on 750ml bottles, this machine fills 450+ bottles per hour on average. This will vary depending on bottle size and operator speed. Approx 41 lbs.